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Alcohol & Drug-Free Program

Find our policies, standards and resources regarding alcohol and drugs.

Notice to Students & Employees About Alcohol & Drugs

Chemeketa Community College believes that the unlawful possession or abuse of alcohol and drugs by students and employees presents multi-level risks to the individual, the learning environment and the college community as a whole. Substance abuse impedes the process of learning, teaching, personal development and the overall exercise of a person’s true talents and abilities. There are also serious criminal and disciplinary sanctions that can be imposed on students and employees which will disrupt their studies or careers.

Chemeketa provides this notice in compliance with federal law as part of the college’s program to prevent the possession, use, and distribution of drugs and alcohol by students and employees. The information provided here includes college rules and regulations pertaining to drugs and alcohol, possible health and social effects, the legal sanctions, and contact information for services and programs that can provide further information and assistance. Additionally, this notice informs students of the implications for eligibility of financial aid when students are convicted of possession or sale of illegal drugs.

Chemeketa Community College will biennially review this program to determine its effectiveness and implement changes if needed and to ensure the sanctions required are consistently enforced: ADAP Biennial Review 2020-2022

Drug Free Policies

For the complete College policy please see –

Standards of Conduct


Chemeketa’s  Student Rights and Responsibilities identifies the following behaviors as violations of the code of conduct – “the illegal use, possession, distribution, manufacture or sale of alcohol and/or drugs is not permitted on college-owned or college-controlled property.  Being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is not permitted on college-owned or college controlled property”.


In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989 (Public Law 101-226), it shall be the policy of Chemeketa  Community College to maintain an alcohol and drug-free workplace for all employees of the College. The unlawful manufacture, distribution...possession or use of alcohol or a controlled substance, except by physician's prescription, is strictly prohibited in the workplace(s) of the Chemeketa  Community College District.

Impairment in the Workplace & Classroom

It is the policy of Chemeketa Community College to ensure that its employees do not report for work in an impaired condition resulting from the use of alcohol or illegal drugs, or consume alcohol or use illegal drugs while on duty (including driving a personal vehicle while on college business or driving a college vehicle). Alcohol and drug abuse and the use of alcohol and drugs in the workplace are issues of concern to the college. Any employee who appears to be in an impaired condition at work is subject to a screening test for alcohol or drugs, and disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. Referral to an employee assistance program is also possible.

Any Chemeketa Community College employee convicted of driving under the influence in violation of ORS 813.010 or any other offense for which driving under the influence is an element of the offense, and the offense occurred while driving a college vehicle or a private vehicle while on college business, is subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Disciplinary & Legal Sanctions


Any Chemeketa student who comes to campus in an impaired condition resulting from the use or consumption of alcohol, non-prescribed drugs or illegal drugs may be referred for discipline according to Chemeketa’s Student Rights and Responsibilities.  Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to –

  • Warning
  • Reprimand
  • Probation
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Emergency suspension


The college will impose sanctions for employees who violate the alcohol and drug-free workplace policy. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to –

  • Participation in an approved alcohol or drug abuse rehabilitation program
  • Disciplinary probation
  • Suspension
  • Termination

State & Federal Criminal Statutes

State and federal laws are very complex regarding penalties for possession, distribution, and use of controlled substances (drugs). Here are applicable legal sanctions under State, and Federal law for unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and drugs.

Oregon Criminal Laws

Applicable laws will vary depending on the facts of each case. [See ORS Chapter 475— Controlled Substances; Chapter 161—Crimes and Punishment; Chapter 471— Alcoholic Liquors.] However, the absolute minimum will be a $250.00 fine for lowest level violation. From that minimum, as the severity of the offense increases, the penalties increase up to $500,000 fine and 20 years in jail.

A minor in possession of alcohol can result in a fine of up to $1,000 with more serious offenses, such as providing alcohol to minors, carrying much more severe penalties. The penalty for providing alcohol to minors can range from a $500 fine to a $1,500 fine, a year in jail, and community service. The most severe penalties result from accidents or incidents in which the participants are intoxicated. This category also includes those who may have supplied the alcohol to the participants.

ORS 471.430

Purchase, consumption or possession of alcoholic beverage by a minor: Any person under 21 years of age who, for any reason, possesses any alcoholic beverage in public is guilty of a misdemeanor.

ORS 471.410

Sale or furnishing of alcoholic beverage to a minor: aiding a minor to purchase or procure alcoholic beverage. Every person who knowingly sells, gives, or otherwise furnishes an alcoholic beverage to any person under 21 years of guilty of a misdemeanor.

Federal Criminal Laws

Federal law can also apply depending on the circumstances. See also Federal Drug Schedules.

Revised 2024 In Compliance with Public Law 101-226

Human Resources
Chemeketa Community College
4000 Lancaster Drive NE
Salem, OR 97309

This notice is provided to all Chemeketa Community College students and employees as part of its drug prevention program in compliance with the Drug-free Schools and Communities Act as further articulated in the Dept. of Education General Administrative Regulations, 34 C.F.R. Subtitle A, Part 86.

Know the Health Risks of Alcohol Abuse & Illicit Drug Use

  • Depressants

    Depressants include alcohol, tranquilizers and benzodiazepines such as Xanax or Valium. They can cause –

    • Poor concentration, coordination and judgment
    • Inability to reason and make decisions
    • Mood swings
    • Fatigue
    • Liver diseases
    • Ulcers
    • Birth defects
    • Depression
    • Malnutrition
    • Heart disease and stroke
    • Certain cancers
    • Brain damage
    • Drowsiness
    • Poor attention span, memory and coordination
    • Confusion
    • Birth defects
    • Possible liver disease
  • Stimulants

     Stimulants include cocaine, crack and amphetamines such as Ritalin and meth. They can cause –

    • Nervousness, short attention span, poor judgment, mood swings, paranoia or hallucinations
    • Depression caused by withdrawal
    • Death from heart or respiratory failure, stroke or seizures
    • Lung and voice damage
    • Hepatitis or AIDS
  • Inhalants

    Inhalants include glue, nitrous oxide and aerosol sprays.

    • Confusion
    • Difficulty walking
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Sudden brain damage
    • Damaged sense of smell
    • Liver damage
    • Lung damage
    • Kidney problems

    Fentanyl can cause –

    • Slowed breathing/Hypoxia
    • Reduced blood pressure
    • Fainting
    • Nausea
    • Seizures
    • Coma
    • Sudden death

    For more information on the dangers of Fentanyl, please visit