Tutoring Services
Free peer tutoring is available in person and remotely via Zoom to Chemeketa students.
Chemeketa Tutoring is here to support your learning with several options for academic assistance:
- Services are free for any currently-enrolled student
- Tutoring is available in person at the Salem Campus, the Yamhill Valley Campus, the Woodburn Center, and the Polk Center
- Tutoring is also available remotely via Zoom, including evenings and weekends
- Meet with a peer tutor by appointment
- Tutoring appointments are scheduled using EAB Navigate
- Tutoring is available in many subjects
- Meet with a consultant to improve your study skills
How to Schedule a Tutoring Appointment
Winter hours:
- Salem Campus
- Monday - Thursday: 8:00 am-6:00 pm
- Friday: 9:00 am-4:00 pm
- Yamhill Valley Campus
- Monday - Thursday: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
- Friday: Closed
- Woodburn Center: TBD
- Polk Center: TBD
Tutoring Sessions
Tutoring is available in-person at all locations, as well as remotely via Zoom. To schedule a free one-on-one session with a Chemeketa peer tutor, just log on to EAB Navigate. There, you'll find a variety of options to schedule a tutoring session in the subject of your choice.
When you book a Zoom session, you'll get a confirmation email with a Zoom link. When it's time to meet with your tutor, simply click the link to get started. During the tutoring session, you can share your screen so the tutor can see what assignment you're working on. You'll also be able to chat using a webcam, microphone, keyboard, or phone.
Information on our Tutoring Center Policies can be found here.
Study Strategies & Writing Consulting
Study Strategies
Peer tutors meet by appointment with students to work on developing the skills and habits that are essential to academic success.
Appointments are available each term, and can be made through EAB Navigate by selecting the "Study Strategies Consult with Peer Mentor" service.
Writing Center
The faculty Writing Consultants meet by appointment with students to work on developing writing skills and to improve their approach to the writing process.
Appointments are available each term, and can be made through EAB Navigate.
For more information, contact Daniel Couch
Email -
Drop-In eTutoring
Online tutoring is free to all Chemeketa students through eTutoringOnline, a consortium of colleges from across the country.
Subjects Offered
- Accounting
- American Sign Language
- Economics
- Math and statistics
- Microsoft Office
- Psychology
- Science: Chemistry, physics, biology and anatomy and physiology
- Spanish
- Writing
- Go to this page and follow the directions to set up and access your account.
- Please be aware that Chemeketa students are limited to 3 uses of eTutoring each week - more information can be found on the login page linked above.
- See the online tutor schedule to find a time that meets your needs.
If you have any questions or need assistance accessing online tutoring, feel free to contact us.
Another online writing resource is Chemeketa's Online Writing Center. Visit the Writing Center to find out more.