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Current Student Advising

Academic advising is a continuous, student-centered process that assists students in the development of meaningful educational plans that meet their life goals and personal values.

Advising Services


    Required Advising

    • Certificate or degree-seeking students are required to meet with an academic advisor until you have successfully earned 30 credits at Chemeketa. These credits must be earned with a grade of C or better and be 100 level or higher courses.
    • Classes taken through College Credit Now in high school do not count toward meeting this requirement.
    • You will be assigned an academic advisor based on your program or degree interest.
      • Students interested in an Associate of Applied Science Degree or Certificate will be assigned a faculty advisor that teaches in that program.
      • Students who are undecided in their major will be assigned to a Career Counselor for career exploration.
    • You may check your Degree Works audit located in your MyChemeketa account to view your assigned advisor.

    Note: Students who are not part of required advising may still meet with an advisor. Schedule an Appointment.


    Services Offered

    Advisors can help you identify some strategies to help you come to a career decision while you begin your educational journey, including –

    • Identifying your interests and skills
    • Explore potential careers
    • Research careers
    • Recommend career exploration courses (CG110, CG114)
    • Referral to Career Counseling