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Bilingual Student Teacher Leaders Program

There is an acute need for bilingual teachers in Oregon.

Chemeketa students who are bilingual and are interested in pursuing a career in teaching can apply to participate in the Bilingual Student Teacher Leader program. This program requires participants to meet bilingual proficiency requirements through one of our multiple measures (outlined below) and complete six hours of community service work in the community each term.

  • Oregon State Seal of Biliteracy 
  • 2 years of post-secondary coursework in target language
  • Employment in bilingual position in education
  • Combination of coursework and observation (approval from department).

Community service activities may include mentoring students in the school district, translation for parents and teachers, student tutoring, classroom presentations, or support of cultural and academic events for prospective educators planned through Chemeketa. To qualify for the program students must:

  • Complete the application for funding.
  • Indicate on the application your interest in the program and complete the supplemental question on the application describing your own diverse experience and goals in bilingual education settings. 
  • Pursue an AAOT in Elementary Education or a concentration in Education, with plans to earn a four-year degree in education and teacher licensure.

To apply for funding for this program use the application link in the Apply Now box. Application is open during the registration period of each academic term.

For assistance or additional information contact the Education Program. We look forward to working with you to meet your goals to become an educator.

NEWS:  For all of our bilingual education students, Chemeketa has received a new grant that will support your financial and academic support needs while working towards your Bachelor's degree. Please make an appointment with our education advisor to learn about this new opportunity as soon as possible.